miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008


“Cosmic Ghost” Discovered by Volunteer Astronomer.

Kevin Schawinski, an astrophysicist, and his colleagues at Oxford University enlisted public support in cataloguing galaxies; they never foresaw the strange object Hanny van Arkel found in archived images of the night sky.The Dutch school teacher, a volunteer in the Galaxy Zoo project, discovered a mysterious object some observers are calling a “cosmic ghost.”Van Arkel toke an image of a strange, one gaseous object with a hole in the center. Quickly, Astronomers who run the site began to investigate and soon realized van Arkel might have found a new class of astronomical object.Any person had idea what it was, and for this reason scientists working at telescopes around the world and with satellites in space were asked to take a look at the mysterious Voorwerp. The acientists and astronomers never found any reliable explanation of this mysterious object.

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